Hello! Hope all's very good with you β€” it's been a while. And no, you're not imagining it, there was no August issue.
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Guy Moorhouse

Guy Moorhouse

Issue 14

September 2023

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Hope all's very good with you β€” it's been a while. And no, you're not imagining it, there was no August issue. It was just a bridge too far unfortunately in a hectic month eaten up by work and a summer break. I probably need to reframe this newsletter as 'monthly-ish' :)

Anyway, it's back to business as usual now and feels good to be getting this latest issue out to you. So without further ado here's a few things that have caught my eye this month...





Online Bookshop

I recently bought this little haul of design books (which are very good btw) and was reminded how brilliant an outlet Counterprint is.

I then discovered one or two friends hadn't heard of them, so I thought it worth giving one of my fave independent publishers a share here in case you hadn't either.

πŸ”— counter-print.co.uk

Huntz Liu

Huntz Liu

Huntz Liu

Paper Artist

Love these colourful and intricate hand-cut paper artworks by Taiwanese-American artist, Huntz Liu.

Something about this level of precision and the huge amount of patience that must be required to create them really gets me.

πŸ”— huntzliu.com



3D Printed products

With on demand production powered by the brilliant batch.works, BFriends is an online store of beautiful sustainable 3D printed design accessories made from recycled bioplastic.

It's brilliant to see places like this that care about circular design and the reduction of waste β€” they are a model for a better future.

πŸ”— bfriends.shop





Plantcare app

There's lots of apps around to help you care for your plants, but this one has stuck for me.

It's beautifully designed and even the free core app offers some useful tips and watering reminders. I don't quite want to pay for the full set of features yet, but maybe one day.

πŸ”— getplanta.com

Procreate Dreams

Procreate Dreams

iPad animation app

Procreate Dreams is due to be released soon. It's an all-new animation app from the same folks who make the brilliant and wildly successful Procreate drawing app.

I'm keen to give this a spin when it becomes available.

πŸ”— procreate.com


Creative Spotlight

Matt Taylor

Matt Taylor

Matt Taylor

Matt Taylor

3D Artist

Matt is a talented artist and technical director based in Leeds in the UK. I've been a fan of his work for a good while now and always see something in his feed that blows my mind.

On Instagram he shares these mind-bending 3D loops with such a high level of realism, it's hard to discern that they are in fact, CG. Really recommend having a poke through his work, it's brilliant.

πŸ”— instagram.com






I've wanted to watch this directorial debut from Charlotte Wells for a while as it got such great write ups when it was released.

It's about the relationship between 11 year old Sophie and her father, Callum and the private melancholy of a holiday they took together twenty years earlier.

I have to admit to being frustrated when the film ended, feeling cheated out of neat closure. But the ending really lingers and in the moments after, reflecting on what I'd just watched, I realised how staggeringly subtle, heart-breaking and brilliant it is.

πŸ”— letterboxd.com



The Creative Act By Rick Rubin

The Creative Act By Rick Rubin


I'm only halfway or so into this book from legendary music producer, Rick Rubin, but feel I can already heartily recommend it.

Rubin digs into where creativity comes from and how to harness it. He reminds us that the key to being creative/artistic isn’t so much about our specific output, as it is our relationship to the world around us and how sensitive to it we allow ourselves to be.

I'm listening on Audible and this book is like daily meditation, I love it.

πŸ”— literal.club

Do Interesting by Russell Davies

Do Interesting by Russell Davies


I've really enjoyed this book from Russell Davies (and friends). It's a helpful reminder that creativity is a habit we need to nurture.

By noticing and sharing interesting things in the world around us we can help ourselves be more open to it. There's also lots of fun suggestions of things to do to help foster those creative habits.

Full disclosure β€” I know Russell and we've worked together a few times. He's brilliant and this book is no exception!

πŸ”— thedobook.co


Ok, that's it for this one, thanks as ever for reading. Hope October gets off to a good start for you and I'll see you in a few weeks. (β€’β—‘β€’) /

Guy Moorhouse