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Remarkable products, games, websites and more.

Brazen Botany, Homeware

Brazen Botany


Absolutely love these ‘art houseplants’ by Irish designer Caroline Byrne. Perfect if you’re someone like me who inadvertently seems to end up killing many of your plants through overwatering or neglect.


Britain’s Carbon Forecast, Exploratory prototype

Britain’s Carbon Forecast

Exploratory prototype

What if we chatted about carbon emissions like we chat about the weather?


Windosill, Game



This magic 2009 game from Patrick Smith / Vectorpark is now available on Nintendo Switch.

🔗, Natural soundscapes

Natural soundscapes

A free repository of immersive natural soundscapes. Listen to the sounds of calming seas, birdsong and more from all over the world in your browser and get in tune with nature wherever you are.


Rive, Creative animation tools


Creative animation tools

Every now and again, something comes along that you can feel is going to be a big deal for digital makers. For me, Rive is one of those moments.


Choir, Audio hardware


Audio hardware

I’ve been impressed with every product teenage engineering have put out, and their latest, Choir is no exception.


Ableton Note, iOS music creation app

Ableton Note

iOS music creation app

I love Ableton’s products and have been a longstanding Live user for a good while. Note is up to the usual high standard and is a fantastic iOS app for sketching musical ideas. Play beats, melodies and even create recorded samples. Lots of fun.


Paradise Marsh, Game

Paradise Marsh


For transparency, I’ve not played this new game from Etienne Trudeau yet, but I intend to very soon. It looks like a really cute, whimsical adventure. The fact it’s described as “a short contemplative game about catching frogs and restoring stars in the sky” says it all.


Pencil Booth, Newsletter platform

Pencil Booth

Newsletter platform

Like Explore in the last issue, PencilBooth looks like another example of a nice upcoming platform for creative folks. It’s is a micro-newsletter service built for artists, where you share weekly updates of four images and news of what you’ve been up to. I’ve just popped myself on the waitlist.


Knotwords, Game for iOS and Android


Game for iOS and Android

I’ve been playing this game from Zach Gage and Jack Schlesinger for a while now and I’m still hooked. It’s a smart sort of mash-up of crosswords and Boggle where you have to find the right words by working out where they to fit into the grid.


The Steve Jobs Archive, Website

The Steve Jobs Archive


A nice little site gathering some ideals and values that motivated Steve Jobs throughout his life. Also with the lofty ambition of “building programs, fellowships, collections, and partnerships that reflect Steve’s values and carry his sense of possibility forward.”


Six N. Five, Design studio

Six N. Five

Design studio

Staggeringly good 3D / animation work from this Barcelona design studio, featuring imaginary, dream-like worlds.


UAU Project, 3D Printed Homeware

UAU Project

3D Printed Homeware

UAU Project is a design studio creating and selling incredible, sustainable homeware. The Warsaw based duo experiments with 3D printing and high quality materials to create environmentally sound, beautiful products.


Learning Synths, Interactive Learning

Learning Synths

Interactive Learning

Learn about synthesisers in this magic site from Ableton. Play with a synth in your browser and learn all the different features to create your own sounds. This is an old favourite I’ve lost quite a bit of time to.


The History of User Interfaces, Online Guide

The History of User Interfaces

Online Guide

A nice little online catalogue of user interfaces that captures some key moments in the history of human-computer interaction.


Automatoys, iOS game


iOS game

A super fun new iOS game from Idle Friday / Steffan Glynn.


Explore, Creative platform


Creative platform

As I get increasingly jaded about the likes of Instagram and other social networks, it's nice to see smaller contenders popping up with decent values and a positive vibe.


Sophie Smallhorn, Artist

Sophie Smallhorn


I’m really drawn to colour and simplicity in art. And Smallhorn’s work has this in abundance. Love how she explores the relationships between colour, volume and proportion. And these are all real artworks, not renders.
